Sunday, November 27, 2016

Progress Report & A Call For Blogs

Work continues on the refit. As you can see, I'm starting to salvage more and more material from the old site to the new blog. I just need to find time to sit down and test links, reformat text, etc.. I've also created a couple of directories, including links to the official PDFs on the GZG site for easy reference. I have off from my real life work this Wednesday, so expect to see a lot done by the middle of the week.

I'm also interested in any related blogs that might be of interest to FT/space combat gamers. Please post any suggestions for the in the comments below.


  1. Hmm, Ok. My blog has a number of Full Thrust articles (battle reports, Star Trek SSDs, event cards...). You can find it here, if you or your readers are interested:

  2. I have a few ship SSDs and other stuff on FT.

  3. There are some Full Thrust and general Starship combat articles on these blogs:-

  4. Thanks everyone. I'll post these to the blog roll tonight when I'm home and have access to a computer better than a smartphone.

  5. Hello, and welcome back to space combat games! As noted above, I tend to blog about spaceship gaming in general and Superior Models/Monday Knight Productions minis in particular at Super Galactic Dreadnought, but lately I have been posting a lot about Ogre (sci-fi tank combat).

  6. Not a blog but do have some FT stuff on my gaming page:

    Welcome back,Mark!


    Has Full Thrust: Remixed, all the (human tech) rules from FT 2nd, More Thrust, Fleet Books 1 & 2 edited into a single volume.

    Also Full Thrust Cross Dimensions, FT:XD, which is the basis for Full Thrust Continuum and at one-third the pages perhaps an easier introduction.
